
Key Notes


o   Muzzle of horse is not keratinous but bears a groove which is known as philtrum.

o   Guttural pouches are downward diverticulum from the auditory tubes and are found only in equines.

o   Epiploic foramen of peritoneum is also known as foramina of Winslow.

o   The average capacity of the stomach in adult animals ranges from 100-230 lts. Depending upon the size of animal. Rumen occupies 80%, reticulum 5% and omasum and abomasum occupy 7-8% each.

o   The glandular and non-glandular part of stomach of horse are separated by a rough line, termed margoplicatus.

o   In horse at the left extremity of the stomach, there is a rounded cul-de-sac known as saccus cecus.

o   The terminal part of caecum in rabbit is slender and devoid of sacculation and known as vermiform appendix.

o   In fowl, at about middle portion of the jejunum a short closed remnant of yolk sac is present and is known as Meckel’s diverticulum.

o   Zygomatic salivary gland is an extra (4th pair) gland found in dog, situated at the anterior part of the ptergopalatine fossa.

o   Nutritional and functional blood supply of liver is through Hepatic artery and portal vein respectively.

o   In horse gall bladder is absent.

o   Main function of spleen are phagocytosis, haemopoises, immune response and storage of RBC.

o   Cartilages of larynx are thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid and epiglottis.

o   Nutritional and functional blood supply of lung is through bronchial artery and pulmonary artery respectively.

o   In fowl, eleven airs sacs present in lung. These are cervical (paired), clavicular (unpaired), axillary (paired), cranial thoracic (paired), Caudal thoracic (paired) and abdominal (paired).

o   In fowl at the bifurcation of the trachea, two primary bronchi are dilated to form a cartilaginous compartment and is known as syrinx.

o   In horse, central portion of internal part of medulla forma a concave ridge which projects into the pelvis and is known as renal crest. Perforated area (orifices of renal tubule) at the crust is known as area eribrosa.

o   Lateral ligaments of bladder are in the form of membrane and each contains in their free margin, a rounded cord like structure known as round ligament.

o   Round ligaments of bladder are remnants of umbilical arteries.

o   Ligament of bladder are ventral ligament, lateral ligament and round ligament.

o   Vein from the head of epididymis and from the upper end of testes unite to form a convoluted plexus of veins around the spermatic artery and is known as paminiform plexus.

o   Muscles of penis are ischio cavernosus, Bulbo spongiosus and Retractor penis.

o   In horse, at the base of the glans, there is border, known as corona glandis.

o   In pig, an ovoid blind pouch is present just above the orifice of the prepuce, is known as preputial diverticulum.

o   In mare there is a depression on the free border of the ovary, known as ovulation fossa.

o   Ovary of bitch is enclosed in a peritoneal pouch, known as ovarian bursa.

o   Oviduct of hen comprises of infundibulum, magnum, or albumin secreting portion, isthmus or shell membrane secreting portion, uterus or shell gland region and vagina.

o   Canals of Gartner are remnants of wolffian or mesonephric ducts.

o   Fosaa ovalis of heart is site of foramen oval of foetal life.

o   Left auriculo ventricular opening is guarded by bicuspid valve which is also known as mitral valve.

o   Just at the beginning of aorta, the wall of aorta is dilated and known as aortic sinus or bulbus aorticus.

o   Vasa vasorum are the vessels for thick blood vessels.

o   The Rete mirabile cerebrale is formed from rete branches of maxillary artery, meningeal branch of occipital artery and cranial branches of vertebral arteries.

o   Post ganglionic endings of parasympathetic system liberate acetylcholine.

o   Except in sweat gland and in most of the blood vessels of skeletal muscles the post ganglionic endings of sympathetic system liberate nor-adrenaline.

o   Ligmentum arteriosum is remnant of ductus arteriosus of foetal life.

Position of Heart:

Base of heart extend from third to sixth rib and is placed about 10-12 cm below the spine. The apex of heart is placed opposite to the sixth chondro-sternal joint. Fifth/seventh portion of heart lies on the left side of the median plane because right lung is larger than left one.


Layers of Retina

(1). Internal limiting membrane           (2). Layer of nerve fibers        (3). Ganlionic cell layer

(4). Internal plexiform layer    (5). Internal Nuclear layer        (6). External plexiform layer

(7). External nuclear layer       (8). External limiting membrane.

(9). Rods & cones                    (10). Pigment cell layer.


Bones of middle ear are Malleus, Incus, and stapes.


Division of Brain

1.      Fore brain (prosencephlon)

a.       Telencephlon

Cerebral hemisphere

Lateral venticles

Anterior part of 3rd ventricle

b.      Diencephalon

Thalami, optic nerve and Retina

Pineal body

Posterior part of 3rd ventricle

Interpeduncular structure, pituitary body.

2.      Mid brain (Mesencephalon)

a.       Metencephalon                                                b.      Mylencephalon

Cerbellum                                                     Medulla oblongata




Pecularities of Brain:

Meninges                                             Basal ganglia

Duramater                                            corpus striatum

Arachnoid                                            Clastrum

Plamater                                               Amygdaloid nucleus



Cranial Nerves:

Nerve                                       Nature

1.      Olfactory nerve                                   Sensory

2.      Optic nerve                              Sensory

3.      Oculomoter nerve                    Motor

4.      Trochlear (parthetic) nerve      Motor

5.      Trigeminal nerve                      Mixed

6.      Abducent nerve                                   Motor

7.      Facial nerve                             Mixed

8.      Cochleo-vestibular nerve         Sensory

9.      Glosso pharyngeal nerve         Mixed

10.  Vagus nerve                             Mixed

11.  Acessory nerve                                    Motor

12.  Hypoglossal nerve                   Motor



Spinal Nerve:

Animal             Cervical           Thoracic          Lumber                        Sacral               Coccygeal        Total

Ox                   8                      13                    6                      5                      5                      37

Horse               8                      18                    6                      5                      5                      42

Dog                  8                      13                    7                      3                      4                      35

Pig                   8                      15                    6-7                   4                      5                      39


Fowl have 36 pairs of spinal nerve.

Cervical                       Thoracic                      Lumbo-sacral               Total

15                                7                                  14                                36

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