
Veterinary MCQS


1.      A sheep breed which is a cross of Bikaneri ewes and Merino rams with long, fine wool is
a.       Gaddi                  c. Malpuria              
b.      Hissardale           d. Corriedale
2.      Chromosome number (2N) of Bubalis bubalis is
a.       60                    c. 48
b.      50                    d. 46
3.      Modification of normal gene expression in which a particular gene at one locus masks the expression of at least one other gene at a different chromosomal location is termed
a.       Crossing over   c. Mutation
b.      Epistasis           d. None of the above
4.      Act of mating in sheep is termed as
a.       Crossing           c. Tupping
b.      Breeding          d. Copulation
5.      First faecal material voided by a new born calf is known as
a.       Faeces              c. Muconium
b.      Excreta            d. Copulation
6.      Two genes of two different traits located on the same chromosome are called
a.       Alleles             c. Segregated
b.      Linked             d. Intermediate
7.      Starch equivalent based energy system was given by
a.       Morriso            n          c. Kellner
b.      Armsby                        d. Dubois
8.      Crazy chick disease is caused due to the deficiency of
a.       Vitamin E        c. Vitamin B12
b.      Vitamin B1         d. Vitamin B1
9.      Anti-nutritional factor present in groundnut cake is a
a.       Aflatoxin         c. Glucosinolate
b.      Glycogen         d. None of the above
10.  Heat treatment can destroy which antinutitive factor found in soyabean cake
a.       Glucosinolate  
b.      Trypsin Inhibitor
c.       Aflatoxin        
d.      Ricin
11.  Post parturient haemoglobinuria or Red Water Disease is basically caused due to acute deficiency of which mineral in the blood?
a.       Copper             c. Phosphorus
b.      Magnesium      d. Calcium
12.  Blind staggers is a condition of cattle and sheep caused due to subacute poisoning with
a.       Maganese         c. Lead
b.      Selenium          d. None of the above
13.  Purple colored comb, wattles and tongue are characteristics of which breed of poultry?
a.       Aseel               c. Kadaknath
b.      Chittagong       d. None of the above
14.  Parents of One generation passes on the sex-linked characters to the opposite sex in next generation. This process is known as
a.       Conjugation     c. Cross-over unit
b.      Crossing over   d. Criss-cross inheritance
15.  Reappearnce of an ancestral but not parentral trait after several generation is called
a.       Atavism        c. Asynaosis
b.      Autogamy     d. Amphidiploid
16.  Sulphar containing vitamins are
a.       Riboflavin and biotin              
b.      Biotin and Choline
c.       Riboflavin and Choline          
d.      Biotin and Thiamin
17.  Fraction of all alleles that occur at a given locus in a specified population is defined as
a.       Variation        c. Gene frequency
b.      Heritability    d. Regrassion
18.  Full sib and half sib mating in poultry and parent____ offspring or uncle__ cousin mating swine is most commonly used in
a.       Outcrossing      c. Pure breeding
b.      Inbreeding       d. Strain crossing
19.  High fat content upto 14% is found in milk of which breed of buffalo
a.       Murrah             c. Bhadawari
b.      Mehsana          d. Surti
20.  The bacterial population per ml of rumen liquor in a cow is
a.       109 million       c. 106 Million
b.      102 Million       d. 104 million
21.  Probiotics is classified under
a.       Feed Supplement        
b.      Feed ingredient
c.       Feed additive              
d.      All of the above
22.  Babul seeds contain an antinutritive factor
a.       Tannins                        c. Aflatoxin
b.      Ricin                d. Oxalic acid
23.  Best crop suitable for silage making is
a.       Jowar               c. Maize
b.      Bajra                d. Oats
24.  The rutting period in camel is from
a.       November to March    
b.      September to January
c.       April to August                       
d.      None of the above
25.  Which drug/salt should be used to acidify the urine
a.       Sodium Chloride         
b.      Potassium Chloride
c.       Ammonium Chloride
d.      None of the above
26.  Griseofulvin can be used in the treatment of ringworm. It is also an effective treatment for
a.       Chromomyosis
b.      Sporotrichosis
c.       Phcomyoasis   
d.      Blastomycosis
27.  Of the following the best first antimicrobial agents to treat septicemia in a newborn foal would be
a.       Penicillin and Gentamicin sulphate
b.      Trimethoprim and Sulfadiazine
c.       Sodium ampicillin and Streptomycin
d.      Chloramphanicol
28.  Loading dose of a drug primarily depends on
a.       Volume of distribution
b.      Rate of administration
c.       Clearance                    
d.      Half life
29.  Inter close interval depends on
a.       Half-life of drug         
b.      Age of patient
c.       Dose of drug   
d.      Bioavailability of drug
30.  Which of the drug is bacteriostatic
a.       Sulphadimidine
b.      Griseofulvin
c.       Pancillin-G
d.      Cephalexin
31.  Which of the following drugs increases gastrointestinal motility?
a.       Glycopyrrolate
b.      Neostigmine
c.       Atropine  
d.      None of the above
32.  Drug of choice for treatment of acute organophosphate poisoning is
a.       Atropine         
b.      Carbchol
c.       Neostigmine
d.      None of the above
33.  Environmental mastitis pathogens include
a.       E. coli                         
b.      Streptococcus dysgalactiae
c.       Klebsiella                    
d.      All of the above
34.  Leptospirosis can be diagnosed serologically by
a.       Microscopic agglutination test (MAT)
b.      ELISA
c.       DNA Probes
d.      All of the above
35.  Mad cow disease is caused by
a.       Bacteria           c. Virus
b.      Protozoa          d. Prion
36.  The most common myocardial parasite in the cow is
a.       Trichinella spiralis      
b.      Cysticerus cellulosae
c.       Sarcocyssis Spp.         
d.      Cysticerus bovis
37.  Eggs of Demodex canis are
a.       Round             
b.      Oval
c.       Spindle shaped
d.       None of the above
38.  The intermediate host of paramphistomum cervi is
a.       Indoplanorbis Exustus
b.      Gyraulus convexiusculus
c.       Lymnea lutaola
d.      None of the above
39.  Schistosoma indicum is present in the
a.       Aorta                          
b.      Juglar veins
c.       Renal Artery               
d.      Masenteric  veins
40.  Nasal granuloma is caused by
a.       Schistosoma spindale  
b.      Schistomsoma haematobium
c.       Schistosoma nasalis    
d.      None of the above
41.  The ascaridia galli causes
a.       Diarrhea
b.      Emaciation
c.       Anaemia                     
d.      All of the above
42.  In equines arteritis is caused by the larvae of
a.       Strongylus vulgaris     
b.      Stronglus edantatus
c.       Stronglylus Equinus    
d.      All of the above
43.  Hydroid degeneration is
a.       Disturbance in protein metabolism
b.      Cells takes on clear fluid
c.       It involves epithelial cells
d.      All of the above
44.  Which one is a benign neoplasm
a.       Fibroma
b.      Fibrosarcoma
c.       Adenosarcoma
d.      Lymphosarcoma
45.  Over the right flank fluid splasing sound may indicate
a.       Intestinal obstruction
b.      Abomasal volvulus
c.       Paralytic ileus
d.      All of the above
46.  Hypothermia occurs in
a.       Shock                         
b.      Acute rumen engorgement
c.       Parturient paresis        
d.      All of the above
47.  To examine the integrity of central nervous system, the clinician should look for abnormalities of
a.       Mental state                
b.      Involuntary muscles
c.       Posture and gait          
d.      All of the above
48.  Blue tongue virus is transmitted through
a.       Ingestion                     
b.      Culicoids Vector
c.       Inhalation                   
d.      All of the above
49.  The most common form of actinomycosis of soft tissues is
a.       Involvement of abomasum
b.      Involvement of esophageal groove
c.       Involvement of tongue
d.      None of the above
50.  Rabies causes
a.       Non-suppurative encephalomyelitis
b.      Suppurative encephalomyelitis
c.       Non-suppurative encephalitis
d.      All of the above
51.  Colibacillosis is most common in animals of age group
a.       1-3 days     c. 1-3 months
b.      1-3 weeks   d. All of the above
52.  An investigation involving the collection of information and in which a causal hypothesis is usually not tested is called
a.       Survey             c. Synergism
b.      Surveillance      d. None of the above
53.  Spread of disease over large geographical area is called
a.       Epidemic         c. Pandemic
b.      Endemic          d. None of the above
54.  To avoid collapse of the lungs upon closure of thoracotomy, the surgeon’s primary concern should be
a.       Suturing the intercostal muscles adequately
b.      Suturing the lateral thoracic musculature adequately
c.       Making sure that the lung is moist before closure
d.      Creating negative pressure in the pleural cavity
55.  Displacement of the intestine outside the abdominal cavity with displaced portion being covered with parietal peritoneum is called
a.       Herniation                   
b.      Intterssusception
c.       Evnetration                 
d.      Volvulus
56.  In reducing an elbow luxation in the dog, the joint should be positioned by
a.       Extension        
b.      Abduction
c.       Flexion                       
d.      Normal standing position
57.  The breed of dog that is most susceptible to perianal fistulas is the
a.       Collie               c. Boxer
b.      German Shephard d. Bull dog
58.  The hormone directly responsible for preparing the uterine mucosa for implantation is
a.       Luteinizing hormone   
b.      Prolactin
c.       Estradiol                     
d.      Progesterone
59.  The period of gestation where you get abortion with trichomonas foetus infection is the
a.       Last trimester              
b.      First Trimester
c.       Middle trimester          
d.      Last week
60.  In rectal palpation for detecting early pregnancy in a cow, one of the dependable signs of pregnancy is detection of
a.       Fetal membrane slip and amniotic vesicle
b.      One enlarged uterine horn
c.       Prominent CL of one Ovary
d.      Fremitus of the middle uterine artery
61.  Endothelial chorial placentation occurs in the
a.       Horse               c. Cow
b.      Dog                  d. Sheep
62.  A reasonably good feed conversion ratio value of broiler of 0-6 weeks of age is
a.       1.6                               c. 1.4
b.      1.8                               d. 1.2
63.  The thermos-neutral zone for poultry ranges from
a.       13oC to 24oC    c. 24oC to 38oC
b.      0oC to 13oC      d. None of the above
64.  The correct method of milking dairy animals is
a.       Fisting              c. stripping
b.      Knuckling        d. None of the above
65.  For producing 1 ml of milk quantity of blood which passes through the secretory tissue of mammary gland
a.       400-500 ml      c. 200-300 ml
b.      1000 ml           d. None of the above
66.  Floor space required per chick during first in an artificial brooder is
a.       100-120 Sq. Cms.       
b.      200-250 Sq. Cms
c.       150-180 Sq. Cms.       
d.      None of the above
67.  In the deep litter system of housing the material used for litter such as rise husk and poultry manure are allowed to accumulate up to a depth of
a.       8-12 inches      c. 12-18 inches
b.      0-6 inches        d. 20-24 inches
68.  Colostrum is fed to a new born calf at what percentage of its body weight?
a.       5%                               C. 15%
b.      10%                             D. 20%
69.  Bull nose ring is first inserted at the age of
a.       8-12 months    c. 24 months
b.      18 months        d. 30 months
70.  During first week of artificial brooding the temperature of the brooder should be
a.       95oF          c. 105oF
b.      100oF        d. None of the above
71.  Horvet apparatus is generally used to determine which physical property of milk?
a.       Boiling point               
b.      Electricity  conductivity
c.       Freezing point             
d.      Density
72.  In the HTST type of pasteurization of mill the temperature and time is
a.       73oC to 76oC for 60 seconds
b.      75oC to 78oC for 45 seconds
c.       72.2oC to 72.8oC for 15 seconds
d.      74.2oC to 75.2oC for 30 seconds
73.  Very good silage should have pH ranging from
a.       4.2-4.5             c. 3.7-4.2
b.      4.5-4.8             d. 4.8-5.0
74.  A deficiency condition enzootic ataxia has been associated with pastures as low as 2-4 mg/kg DM of which mineral element?
a.       Sulphur            c. Magnesium
b.      Copper             d. Zinc
75.  Percentage of gross energy of feed loss as methane in ruminants is
a.       5-6%                c. 10-12%
b.      7-9%                d. 3-4%
76.  Cart wheel appearance present in
a.       Plasma cell       c. Monocyte
b.      Sertoli Cell       d. Neutrophils
77.  The fetal hormone responsible for initiating parturition in dam
a.       Progesterone    c. Oxytocin
b.      Prostaglandin   d. Estrogen
78.  Choose the function of aldosterone
a.       Zn mechanism            
b.      Na mechanism
c.       Co mechanism            
d.      Ca mechanism
79.  Function of oxytocin is
a.       Helps in uterine inertia
b.      Helps in growth of the ovarian follicle
c.       Helps in spermatogenesis
d.      Helps in alveolar development
80.  Essential amino acid in poultry is
a.       Taurine                        c. Leucine
b.      Glycine            d. Isoleucine
81.  Curled toe paralysis occur due to the deficiency of
a.       Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 
b.      Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
c.       Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
d.      Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)
82.  Maximum transport of CO2 occur in the form of
a.       Carbonate        c. Free Form
b.      Bicarbonate     d. None of these
83.  Acid rain contains more
a.       Compound of Nitrogen           
b.      Compound of Sodium
c.       Compound of Carbon 
d.      Compound of Potassium
84.  Level of coliform bacteria in per ml of drinking water should be
a.       Zero                 c. 100
b.      10                    d. <1000
85.  Sedimentation method of faecal examination is mostly used for
a.       Cestodes eggs             
b.      Trematodes eggs
c.       Nematodes eggs          
d.      Protozoan eggs
86.  In which disease deficiency of vitamin A and Vitamin B is found
a.       Balantidiosis               
b.      Giardiasis
c.       Amoebiasis                 
d.      None of the above
87.  Energy produced in aerobic respiration
a.       24Kcal             c. 688Kcal
b.      680cal              d. 48 Kcal
88.  Uncinate process occurs in
a.       Scapula                 c. Tibia and fibula
b.      Femur       d. Ribs of fowl
89.  Which hormone secrets by ovary
a.       FSH          c. MS
b.      LH            d. Progesterone
90.  Dental caries (tooth decay) occurs due to deficiency of
a.       Riboflavin       c. Vitamin B12
b.      Niacin              d. Iron
91.  Female of pig is called
a.       Gilt                  c. Nanny
b.      Dam                 d. Pullet
92.  Half of herd is refer to
a.       Management practice  
b.      Siblings
c.       Bull                             
d.      None of the above
93.  Corpora Quardrgermina is a part of
a.       Fore brain        c. Hind brain
b.      Mid brain         d. Spinal cord
94.  Trochlear nerve is
a.       Motor nerve and largest          
b.      Motor nerve and smallest
c.       Sensory nerve and largest       
d.      Sensory nerve and smallest
95.  Red mite of poultry is
a.       Knemidocoptes gallinae                      
b.      Argas persicus
c.       Dermanyssus gallinae             
d.      Ornithodoros
96.  Ethylene oxide is used as oxidant by mixing with
a.       Cl                     c. So2
b.      Co2                  d. O3 (Ozone)
97.  Bacteriocidal effect is can be obtained by
a.       Deep freezing             
b.      Tindalization
c.       Lipolization                
d.      None of these
98.  DCP in molasses is
a.       5%                   c. 15%
b.      3%                   d. 10%
99.  Mostly used organochlorine insectide is
a.       DDT                c. Parathion
b.      Melathion        d. Tubin
 100. Bull sperm is best presented as

a.       Straw              
b.      Both Straw and ampule
c.       Ampule                       
d.      Pellet

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