
Tuesday 28 January 2020

Rapid TLC method of Aflatoxin analysis

3. Rapid TLC method of Aflatoxin analysis
(Modified Romer's method)

Reagents :
 i) 0.2 M NaOH (dissolve 8 g NaOH in water and
make up volume to 1 lit)
ii) 0.41 M Ferric Chloride (dissolve 66.5 g anhydrous
FeCl3 in water and make up volume to 1 lit)
iii) 0.03 % H2SO4 (0.3 ml conc. H2SO4 + 999.7 ml
iv) Potassium wash solution (dissolve 1.12 g KOH
and 10 g KCl in water and make up volume to 1

Solvents :
 i) Acetone
ii) Chloroform
iii) Developing solvent
Chloroform : Acetone : Water (88 : 12 : 1)
Standard : Aflatoxin B1 - 1 μg/ml in Benzene : Acetonitrile (98:2)

Procedure :
 Take 25 g sample in a conical flask, add 100 ml distilled water and
blend for 2 minutes
 Add 150 ml acetone and blend again for 2 minutes
 Filter through Whatman no. 1 filter paper and transfer 75 ml of filtrate
to a conical flask containing 3 g cupric carbonate
 Prepare ferric gel by adding 85 ml of 0.2 M NaOH to 15 ml of 0.41 M
FeCl3. Add this mixture to the flask containing extract and cupric
 Mix the contents slowly by swirling movements
 Filter through Whatman no. 1 filter paper
 Take 100 ml of filtrate in a 250 ml separating funnel
 Add 100 ml of 0.03 % H2SO4 and 10 ml of chloroform. Mix the
contents slowly
 Collect the chloroform layer into a 100 ml beaker
 Add again 10 ml of chloroform to the separating funnel and repeat the
above step. Combine both the chloroform extracts
 Take 100 ml potassium wash solution in a separate separating funnel
 Add the chloroform extract to the second separating funnel and mix it
 Collect the chloroform layer through anhydrous sodium sulfate bed
drop by drop to remove moisture
 Dry the chloroform extract in an oven at 50°C
 Dissolve the dried residue in 0.2 ml chloroform and spot on TLC plate
along with the standard
 Compare the flourescence intensities of the sample and standard spots
and identify the ones matching with each other
 Calculate the aflatoxin content in the following way

          Aflatoxin content (ppb) =                       S x C x D   x 1000
T x W
Where, S = Standard which compares with the sample in
fluorescent intensity
C = Concentration of standard (1 μg / ml)
D = Dilution factor in ml
T = Sample which compares with standard in fluorescent

                              W = Effective weight [25 x  75 x 100     = 4.286 g]
250 x 175

4. Analysis of Ochratoxin
(By thin layer chromatography)

Reagents : 
Sodium bicarbonate and diatomaceous earth mixture :
Add 25 ml of 5 % aqueous NaHCO3 to 50 g
diatomaceous earth (Celite 545), mix well and store in
tightly closed container

Solvents :
 i) Chloroform
ii) Hexane
iii) Acetic acid : benzene ( 2 : 98 )
iv) Acetic acid : benzene (1 : 99 )

Standard : 
Ochratoxin A 2 μg / ml in acetic acid : benzene (1 : 99)

Apparatus :
 i) Wrist action / horizontal shaker
ii) Hot water (steam) bath
iii) TLC plates (precoated silica gel plates or
iv) Developing tank / chamber
v) UV viewing cabinet

Procedure :
 Take 25 g of sample in a 250 ml glass stoppered conical flask, add
12.5 ml water and mix
 Add 125 ml chloroform and shake for 1 hour
 Filter through Whatman No.1 filter paper and collect the filtrate
 Plug the bottom of a glass column (2 cm x 30 cm) with glass wool,
put 6 g of NaHCO3 - Celite mixture and tamp firmly with a glass rod
 Add 50 ml of chloroform extract to the column and elute until
meniscus reaches top of the NaHCO3 - Celite column
 Wash the column with 70 ml hexane followed by 70 ml chloroform
and discard washings
 Elute Ochratoxin with 100 ml acetic acid : benzene ( 2 : 98)
 Collect the eluate and evaporate on steam bath
 Dissolve the residue in 5 - 10 ml chloroform, transfer to a small vial
( 10 ml capacity) and evaporate on steam bath
 Dissolve the residue in 0.5 ml acetic acid : benzene (1 : 99) by
vigorous shaking
 Spot on TLC plate along with the standard (5, 10, 15 and 20 μ1 or in
any other suitable range)
 Develop the plate using toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid ( 5 : 4 :
1) in an unequilibrated chamber
 Air dry the plate, view under long wave UV light (365 nm) and
compare the intensity of greenish blue fluorescent spots of the sample
with that of standard spots and identify the spot, matching each other
 Calculate the Ochratoxin A content using the formula
                                   Ochratoxin A μg / kg = S x Y x V
Z x W
Where, S = Volume in μl of ochratoxin A standard spot
comparable to Z μl of sample spot
Z = Volume in μl of sample spot comparable to S μl of
ochratoxin A standard
Y = Concentration of ochratoxin Astandard (2 μg / ml)
V = Volume (μl) of the dissolved residue before spotting
W= Effective weight of the sample
25 x 50


Expose the developed plate to NH3 fumes. Greenish blue fluorescence
of Ochratoxin will turn to bright blue.


AOAC. 1995. Official methods of analysis. 16th ed. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem., Washington, D.C.

5. Analysis of T-2 toxin
(By thin layer chromatography)

Reagents : 
i) 30 % ammonium sulphate (dissolve 30 g (NH4)2
SO4 in water and make up volume to 100 ml)
ii) Celite 545
iii) Potassium wash solution (dissolve 1.12 g KOH
and 10 g KCl in water and make up volume to 1 lit)
iv) Sodium sulphate
v) Silica gel
vi) Methanol : H2SO4 ( 1 : 1 v/v )

Solvents : 
i) Methanol : water (1 : 1 v/v)
ii) Chloroform
iii) Diethyl ether
iv) Hexane
v) Benzene
vi) Acetone : Benzene (5 : 95 v/v)
vii) Developing solvent mixture - Toluene : ethyl
acetate formic acid (6 : 3: 1 v/v)

Standard :
T-2 toxin 50 μg / ml in Benzene or diethyl ether

Apparatus : 
i) Wrist action / horizontal shaker
ii) TLC plates (precoated silica gel plates
or equivalent)
iii) Developing tank / chamber
iv) UV viewing cabinet

Procedure :
 Take 50 g of sample in a glass stoppered conical flask
 Add 250 ml of methanol : water (1 : 1) and shake for 1 hour
 Filter using whatman No.1 filter paper and collect 60 ml of extract
into a beaker
 Add 240 ml 30 % (NH4)2 SO4 and stir vigorously for 1 minute
 Add 20 g of celite and stir for 1 minute
 Filter and collect 200 ml of filtrate
 Transfer filtrate to a separating funnel
 Add 10 ml of chloroform and shake vigorously for 1 minute
 Allow the layers to separate and collect the bottom layer into another
separating funnel
 Repeat the extraction with another 10 ml of chloroform
 Combine both the extracts and add 100 ml of potassium wash solution
 Swirl gently for 30 seconds and let layers separate
 Drain the lower chloroform layer through a bed of Sodium sulphate
(in a funnel) to dry and collect 10 ml of clear filtrate
 Column Preparation : Plug the bottom of a glass column ( 2 cm x
30 cm ) with glass wool and add 5 g anhydrous sodium sulphate. Fill
the column to half level with chloroform and add 10 g silica gel.
Wash sides of column with chloroform and stir to eliminate air
bubbles. Drain off chloroform leaving about 7 cm above the upper
level of silica gel. Add 15 g anhydrous sodium sulphate without
disturbing the silica gel. Drain off chloroform to the upper level of
sodium sulphate
 Wash the column serially with 50 ml of diethyl ether and 10 ml of
chloroform and discard the washings
 Mix 10 ml of sample extract with 30 ml of hexane and add to the
column and slowly drain until solvent is about 1 cm above Sodium
 Add in succession 30 ml benzene and 40 ml acetone : benzene (5: 95)
and discard both the washings
 Elute T-2 with diethyl ether until 30 ml of eluate is collected and
evaporate the eluate
 Dissolve the residue in 0.5-1.0 ml diethyl ether. Spot on TLC along
with the standard (5-20 μ1 or any other suitable range) and develop
the plate in toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid (6 : 3 : 1)
 Air dry the plate and spray with methanol : H2SO4 (1 : 1)
 Dry at 110°C for 10 minutes and observe blue fluorescence under
long wave UV light (365 nm)
 Compare the intensities of the blue fluorescent spots of the sample
with those of standard and identify the ones matching each other
 Calculate the T-2 content of sample using the following formula
T - 2 μg / kg =    S x Y x V
                            Z x W
Where, S = Volume in μl of T - 2 standard spot comparable to
Z μl of sample spot
Z = Volume in μl of sample spot comparable to S μl of
T - 2 standard
Y = Concentration of T - 2 standard (50 μg / ml)
V = Volume (μl) of the dissolved residue before spotting
W= Effective weight of the sample
       50 x 60 x 200     x 10
                                                                  250   300    20

Romer, T.R., Boling, T.M. and Mc Donald, J.L. 1978. Gas liquid
chromatographic determination of T-2 toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol in
corn and mixed feeds. JAOAC. 61 : 801 - 807.
Rukmini, C. and Bhat, R.V. 1978. Occurrence of T-2 toxin in Fusarium
infested sorghum from India. J. Agric. Food Chem. 26 : 647-649.

6. Analysis of Zearalenone
(By thin layer chromatography)
Reagents :
 i) Aluminium chloride solution (dissolve 20g
AlCl3 6H2O in 100 ml methanol)
ii) Celite 545

Solvents : 
i) Chloroform : water mixture ( 10 : 1 v/v)
ii) Hexane
iii) Chloroform
iv) Diethyl ether
v) Benzene
vi) Acetone : benzene ( 5 : 95 v/v)
vii) Acetonitrile
viii) Developing solvent -
Methanol : Chloroform (5 : 95 v/v) or
Acetic acid : Benzene (5 : 95 v/v)

Standard :
Zearalenone 50 μg / ml in Benzene

Apparatus :
i) Wrist action / horizontal shaker
ii) Hot water (steam) bath
iii) TLC plates (precoated silica gel plates or
iv) Developing tank / chamber
v) UV viewing cabinet

Procedure :
 Take 50 g of sample in a glass stoppered conical flask and add 300 ml
of chloroform : water (10 : 1) and 25 g of celite
 Shake for 1 hour and filter using Whatman No. 1 filter paper
 Column Preparation : Plug the bottom of a glass column
(2 cm x 30 cm) with glass wool and add 5 g anhydrous sodium
sulphate. Fill the column about half full with chloroform and add 10 g
silica gel. Wash sides of column with chloroform and stir to
eliminate air bubbles. Drain off chloroform leaving about 7 cm above
the upper level of silica gel. Add 15 g anhydrous sodium sulphate
without disturbing the silica gel. Drain off chloroform to the upper
level of sodium sulphate
 Transfer 50 ml of sample extract together with 150 ml hexane into the
silica gel column
 Drain until the solvent reaches top of the column and discard the
 Wash the column serially with 150 ml of diethyl ether and 150 ml of
benzene and discard both the washings
 Elute Zearalenone with 250 ml of acetone : benzene ( 5 : 95 )
 Add few silica chips to the eluate and evaporate on steam bath,
preferably under gentle stream of N2
 Dissolve residue in 10 ml of hexane and transfer quantitatively to a
separating funnel
 Repeat the above step for 3 times using 10 ml of hexane each time
 Finally rinse the residue with 10 ml of acetonitrile and add to the
hexane washes present in the separating funnel. Shake well and let
phases separate
 Collect the lower acetonitrile phase into a 100 ml beaker
 Add another 5 ml acetonitrile to the hexane washes present in the
separating funnel and repeat the above step. Combine both the
acetonitrile fractions.
 Evaporate the combined acetonitrile fractions on steam bath ( under
stream of N2)
 Transfer the residue to a small vial (about 10 ml capacity) using about
5 - 10 ml of chloroform and evaporate as in the previous step
 Add about 0.5 ml benzene to the residue and shake vigorously
 Spot on TLC plate (5, 10, 15, 20 μl or other suitable volumes) along
with the standard and develop the plate in methanol : chloroform
(5 : 95) or acetic acid : benzene (5 : 95)
 Air dry the plate and spray the spots with aluminium chloride
solution, heat at 130° C for 5 min and examine under longwave UV
light (365 nm)
 Compare the intensities of the blue fluorescent spots of sample with
those of the standard and identify the ones, matching with each other.
Calculate the Zearalenone content of the sample in the following way
Zearalenone μg / kg = S x Y x V
                                     Z x W
Where, S = Volume in μl of Zearalenone standard spot
comparable to Z μl of sample spot
Z = Volume in μl of sample spot comparable to S μl of
Zearalenone standard
Y = Concentration of Zearalenone standard (1 μg / ml)
V = Volume (μl) of the dissolved residue before spotting
W= Effective weight of the sample
50x   50
References :
AOAC, 1995. Official methods of analysis. 16th ed. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem. Washington, D.C.

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